Thursday, October 23, 2008

Honest Robot Chicken Love



I call you up and talk a while
of what you're doing and will do,
and share bit of the same, on my end.

You tell me about the Robot Chicken you just created
from your inexhaustible imaginings and magic pen,
I tell you I'm reading an e-book called Radical Honesty,
I offer to send you excerpts,
but you say that's all right, you're honest enough.
I'm sure that's the honest truth.
I'm still working on this myself,
so to be honest, sonshine,
the best part of our talks
is when we sign off
and I inform you yet again
"Love you!"
In saying it to you, I say it to myself,
the honest truth I need to hear
unto eternity
about you, about me,
God/dess, the universe,
the omniverse,
the robot chicken squawking
as it pecks for robot worms
in an alien landscape.

We are all robots
on a journey home
to becoming real,
"I love you" the magic words
that help us heal and feel
into that state.

And so I state yet again
to you and to myself
(is there really any difference
between us two?):
thank you,
I love you.

from your inexhaustible imaginings and magic pen,
I tell you I'm reading an e-book
called Radical Honesty,
I offer to send you excerpts,
but you say that's all right, you're honest enough.
I'm sure that's the honest truth.
I'm still working on this myself,
so to be honest, sonshine,
the best part of our talks
is when we sign off
and I inform you yet again
"Love you!"
In saying it to you, I say it to myself,
the honest truth I need to hear
unto eternity
about you, about me,
God/dess, the universe,
the omniverse,
the robot chicken squawking
as it pecks for robot worms
in an alien landscape.

We are all robots
on a journey home
to becoming real,
"I love you" the magic words
that help us heal and feel
into that state.

And so I state yet again
to you and to myself
(is there really any difference
between us two?):
thank you,
I love you.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Haiku: Quick Look-See

"For the consciousness
will come to life if it wants to. And if the consciousness picks a
mother who wants to abort, then the consciousness is only here for a
short trip. A look around. It is like the seed from an apple tree who
travels into the next yard but does not mature. It looks around and
tries again. Any consciousness that wants to be born is born. And it
picks a mother that wants to carry a child all the way." - Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts

she will abort me
K, will try again later
for now, quick look-see

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

As I Wander In The Day

Song from the perspective of a wanderer who chooses to be without
a specific home base aside from the whole world...


I camped in the park last night,
the whispering breezes ruffled the lake,
over it all the moon shone bright
as I lay there awake,

feeling there could be no harm
in what my life was bringing,
I was happy I was warm
and the stars were singing,

but as I wander in the day
sometimes I wish I could disappear,
faces, faces turning away,
they don't want to know I'm here,
they don't want me to come near,
always going somewhere fast,
I can feel their hidden fear
as they hurry past.

They think I'm less than they
because I have no home,
but they're stuck in sameness every day
and I'm free to roam.
Home is wherever I may be,
I accept what i can find,
it's not always easy
but I have some peace of mind.

But as I wander in the day
sometimes I wish I could disappear,
faces, faces turning away,
they don't want to know I'm here,
they don't want me to come near,
always going somewhere fast,
I can feel their hidden fear
as they hurry past.